Merkley, Wyden: $30 million headed to Astoria

DredgingToday   2022-07-16 10:18:48

Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden have announced that the United States Coast Guard awarded a $30 million federal contract to expand Coast Guard shore-side facilities at East Tongue Point in Astoria.

This will enable the facility to accommodate the home porting of Fast Response Cutters (FRCs).

Fast Response Cutters are the newest class of ships currently being produced for the United States Coast Guard.

The $30 million contract will ensure that East Tongue Point can welcome the FRCs, including a fixed pier, two floating docks, gangways between the docks and pier, and utility work.

The contract also includes dredging of 96.5 thousand cubic yards of sediment and an additional 18 thousand cubic yards of clean sand fill.

“Modernizing and expanding Coast Guard operations in Astoria is essential to support the heroes who work there to protect lives year-round,” said Wyden.

“I’m gratified the North Coast has secured this significant $30 million investment that will build an even stronger Coast Guard presence in Oregon.”
