Bahrain received Bids for Khalifa City Sewage Treatment Plant

Saudi Gulf Projects   2023-02-21 10:20:06

Ministry of Works, Bahrain received Bidders Proposals for the Khalifa City Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).

Three bidders has submitted the proposals:

  • Zohal Construction Co. WLL (BHD 46,352,882.287)
  • Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi Sons Co. (BHD 43,861,000.000)
  • Al Hafeera Contracting Company (BHD 84,935,568.483)

As per the tender notification, the project comprises of design construction operation and maintenance of the project components for the Phase 1 of the Khalifa City STP with a daily average capacity of 20,000 m3 day the emergency sea outfall with a daily average flow of 40,000 m3 day covering Phase 1 and Phase 2 design capacity and Hiwar Trunk Sewer.

The Scope of Work also includes the operation and maintenance of the treatment plant for 4 years Also design and construction Hiwar Highway Trunk Sewer and removal of 5 No existing sewage treatment plants Jaw STP Asker STP old Al Door STP and the 2 STPs built by ministry of Housing and operation of the plant and decommissioning of existing three minor Sewage treatment plants in Asker Jaw and Al Dur.
