Tender issued for 220 kV Transmission PPP project in Argentina

infrapppworld   2023-03-31 15:40:43

Argentina’s federal transmission trust fund has launched a tender for the expansion of the 220 kV and 132 kV High Voltage Lines between Alumbrera and Belén and new Transformer Stations in El Eje y Belén in Catamarca, Argentina.The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has provided finance to the Argentine Republic and it is suggested that some of the money be used to cover the bills associated with the project's REGIONAL FEDERAL ELECTRICITY TRANSPORT PLAN.The scope of the tender includes the design, construction, or supply or complete installation/assembly (Civil, electromechanical and electrical) of the execution of works of High Voltage Lines in 132 kV and Transformer Stations in 132 kV or higher. The term for construction is 36 months.The last date to submit the response is May 24, 2023. 
