Masdar JV eyes renewable energy market in Tajikistan

   2023-10-04 18:05:15

MW Energy, a joint venture (JV) between Masdar and W Solar Investment, has entered a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Tajikistan’s Ministry ofEnergy and Water Resources to explore the development of renewableenergy projects in the country.

Tajikistanis landlocked but has lakes, rivers and glaciers and is dependent onhydropower. It also has potential for other clean energy sources.

TheMoU was signed at the Dushanbe International Investment Forum. The JVnow plans to build ground-mounted and floating solar, onshore wind andhydropower projects.

The projects will be built under a public-private partnership (PPP) model, with a 500MW capacity target for the first phase.

MasdarCEO Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi stated: “As Masdar and W Solar mark ourentrance into the Tajikistan market, this partnership demonstrates theimpressive range of utility-scale renewable energy expertise we are ableto bring to the table.

“Welook forward to supporting the Republic of Tajikistan with itsrenewable energy goals and harnessing the abundant power of the nation’ssun, wind and water to generate clean energy and drive sustainabledevelopment.”
