European Commission announces creation of SMR alliance

   2023-11-13 20:56:16

The European Commission has formally announced the creation of an Industrial Alliance dedicated to small modular reactors (SMRs).

 The alliance is expected to focus on four key areas:

  • Incentivising the market: addressing the needs of energy-intensive industries and the solutions which SMRs can bring.
  • Financing of SMRs: looking at cost-sharing options as well a financial support for individual projects.
  • Ensuring that the nuclear industry is well-equipped: this includes strengthening education & training to ensure a skilled workforce and upscaling the involvement of the EU supply chain in the development of SMRs.
  • Support for innovation, research & development (I,R&D): identify what the needs are in order to establish relevant I,R&D programmes and facilities.

Speaking at the European Small Modular Reactor Partnership event, European commissioner for energy Kadri Simson said, “The stakes in the global competition are high, and it is important that we maintain European technological and industrial leadership in nuclear”, adding that she stands “ready to initiate within the Commission the necessary steps to establish the EU Industrial Alliance for SMRs early next year”.
