SG Shi Meets Ambassador Han Zhiqiang of China to Thailand

中国-东盟中心   2023-12-04 16:08:23

Recently, H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with H.E. Ambassador Han Zhiqiang of P.R. China to Thailand in Bangkok.

Secretary General Shi Zhongjun introduced to Ambassador Han the work of the ACC in 2023, and noted that he hoped to strengthen partnership with the Embassy, to make full use of the ACC platform and build on the respective strength of Thailand and China, so as to continue to foster pragmatic cooperation between the two sides in economics and trade, and people-to-people exchanges.

Ambassador Han Zhiqiang welcomed SG Shi’s visit, and expressed the willingness of the embassy to work in joint efforts with the ACC in the aforesaid areas. He also looked forward to work together with the ACC to implement the programmes for the 2024 Year of People-to-People Exchanges, facilitate bilateral youth visits, so that the time-honored friendship between China and Thailand can be strengthened and national development priorities better synergized.
