Belgian grid operator publishes grid capacity map

PV Magazine   2023-12-16 19:15:18

Elia has released a new online interactive map showing all of the available capacity on its grid network.

“The Elia map already takes into account existing reserved capacity and capacity reserved by grid users. The growth in residential load and generation are taken into account,” Elia said in a statement. “Not all reserved capacity will actually be used. The map gives a basic overview. A detailed study is still necessary in order to determine actual connection capacity.”

The map shows that the Belgian grid may still have space to host another 3.3 GW of solar and 2.8 GW of batteries. The country currently has around 8.3 GW of installed solar power and 0.2 GW of storage capacity.

The map also shows the available capacity for flexible connections.

“Connecting new grid users with limited expected flexibility of 5% creates two to three times more room on the grid,” Elia said. “Under flexibility contracts, Elia has the option of not supplying 5% of total annual energy if the grid would otherwise become overloaded.”
