Serbia: EBRD to secure EUR 50 million loan for the construction of the Pupin wind farm   2023-12-26 08:45:04

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has announced that it is considering granting a loan of up to 50 million euros to Enlight K2-Wind from Belgrade for the construction and operation of a 94.4-megawatt wind farm.

The EBRD estimated the value of the project near Kovačica, known as “Pupin Wind Park”, at a total of 144 million euros.

As stated in the EBRD explanation, “Pupin” will contribute to climate change mitigation and Serbia’s green energy transition by increasing the share of renewable energy production in the country and adding new capacities for wind production to the national energy system.

“In addition, it will contribute to the strengthening of the presence of the private sector in the field of renewable energy in the country”, stated the EBRD, with the information that, thanks to the use of electricity from the future wind farm, CO2 savings of 197,000 tons per year are expected.

The EBRD client in this case would be the company Enlight K2-Wind from Belgrade, a legal entity (SPV) that was established for the implementation of the construction of the “Pupin” wind farm.

In June 2021, an Israeli investor received permission to expand the wind park in Kovačica, which has been operating since 2019 and is the second largest wind park in our country.
