Iran starts $15bn nuclear power plant on Strait of Hormuz

GCR   2024-02-08 10:25:09

Volcanic islands off Hormozgan Province. The region’s development has been held back by less than 100mm of rainfall a year (Anton Malkov/Dreamstime)

Iran has broken ground on a greenfield nuclear power plant at Sirik on the Strait of Hormuz, Nuclear Engineering International reports.

The $15bn plant will have four 1,250MW units, giving a combined capacity of 5GW.

Mohammad Eslami, head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, said the aim was to reach 20GW of nuclear generating capacity in the country by 2041.

Now, Iran has just one operational Rosatom VVER-1000 reactor at the Bushehr NPP.

Iran and Russia signed a deal for two more units at Bushehr in 2014, and Iran started building a second reactor there in 2019. A third is planned.

Iran also broke ground on a small plant at Dharkovin in the Khuzestan region in 2022. It will have a 300MW reactor of Iran’s own design, intended as a prototype for mini power plants.
