Croatia to join European Wind Charter   2024-03-05 16:32:09

Croatian Minister of Economy Damir Habjan will sign the European Wind Charter on behalf of the state, as instructed by the Government.

This concerns the European Action Plan for Wind Energy, published in October 2023, aimed at supporting EU companies in the wind energy sector and enhancing their competitiveness, to ensure that this industry can continue to play a crucial role in the energy transition. European Commission has invited member states to make voluntary commitments.

The Government’s decision states that by reviewing wind farm energy permits and assessing the feasibility of these projects for the period 2024 -2026, it is expected that 450 MW of onshore wind farms will be installed in Croatia. The planned measures must not question the environmental impact assessment by the current environmental legislation, and Croatia is conducting a Vulnerability Mapping project for solar power plants and wind farms.

The proposed procedures for increasing predictability and faster permitting must include the execution of complex procedures for preliminary studies and spatial plans by the legal regulations of spatial planning of each member state.

This European action plan also envisages accelerating permitting processes, improving auction design, facilitating access to financing, creating a fair and competitive international business, and engaging the industry. The EU aims to more than quadruple its existing wind energy capacities by 2030.
