Netherlands launches tender for 4GW offshore wind projects

power technology   2024-03-05 14:16:06

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency has initiated the tender process for two offshore wind projects in the IJmuiden Ver zone in the North Sea, with 4GW of capacity.

The tender, announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, encompasses the Alpha and Beta lots.

Applications for the tender are open until 28 March 2024

A third plot offering an additional 2GW will be included in the future, raising the total capacity to 6GW.

This expansion would mark the largest offshore wind initiative in the Netherlands to date.

The combined area of the three plots, inclusive of the designated maintenance and safety zones, is 650km².

The proposed wind farms will be situated 60km offshore IJmuiden and will commence operations by 2029 and 2030.

Grid operator TenneT will construct three grid platforms in the area, each equipped with a 2GW direct current connection to an onshore station.

The tender will be awarded based on a scoring system, with the highest-scoring application receiving the permit.

A key criterion for the award is the degree to which the applicant considers the integration of the generated electricity into the broader energy system.

Applicants will also be evaluated on criteria such as their approach to ecological and circular principles.

Netherlands Wind Energy Association chairman Jan Vos said: “The success of wind energy at sea has risen beyond any expectation.

“IJmuiden Ver will be the largest wind energy area in Europe. As early as 2031, wind energy will deliver 75% of the power from your socket.”
