UAE utility opens bidding for 400 MW battery energy storage system

PV Magazine   2024-03-09 11:34:08

EWEC is requesting expressions of interest for the development of an independent greenfield 400 MW BESS.

The project will involve the development, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and ownership of the BESS and associated infrastructure. The chosen developer will enter into a long-term agreement with EWEC as the sole procurer.

EWEC said the BESS will provide operating reserves and ancillary services such as frequency response and voltage regulation, while improving system operability and enhancing overall network stability.

The project aligns with the company’s strategic vision to sustainably diversify its energy portfolio, which includes increasing its total PV generation capacity to 7.5 GW by 2030.

Othman Al Ali, the CEO of EWEC, said BESS offers “unmatched advantages,” including increased flexibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and improved efficiency. He added that the utility “continues to see BESS as a critical investment to manage system operability when large amounts of renewables are synchronised to the power system.”

EWEC is inviting developers and developer consortiums to submit expressions of interest for the project before March 22, after which it will issue a request for qualifications (RFQ) to interested parties. The RFQ will provide additional details about the project, the pre-qualification criteria, and the bidding process.
