CHMC Indonesia Wet Process Zinc Smelter Project Officially Took Effect

中国重机   2024-03-12 21:39:15

Recently, CHMC received the advance payment from the owner KLM Company of Indonesia's annual output of 40,000 tons of Wet Zinc Smelter Project for the first batch of equipment purchase, marking the Project officially started, and the project is expected to enter the rapid construction period next year.

When completed, the Project will be the first zinc smelter in Indonesia, helping the country reduce its dependence on imports and increase the use of domestic zinc products. In the next step, CHMC will organize and carry out the production scheduling and production supervision of the first batch of equipment as soon as possible to ensure that the equipment is delivered on time and meet the needs of project construction.

CHMC will further increase market development efforts, expand project cooperation areas, and strive to promote regional rolling development.
