Song Hailiang,Board Chairman of Energy China, Pays Visit to Malaysian Prime Minister

CEEC   2024-03-27 07:56:47

Song Hailiang, Board Chairman of Energy China, paid a visit to Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia in Putrajaya, Malaysia on March 18, local time.

They engaged in discussion on deepening cooperation in green energy, green transportation systems, hydrogen industry, and power interconnection, among others, and reached a broad consensus on these matters.


Anwar Ibrahim welcomed Song Hailiang and the delegation he led to Malaysia, expressing appreciation and recognition for Energy China's deep involvement in Malaysia's energy infrastructure development.

As one of the largest multinational conglomerates in the global energy infrastructure sector, Energy China has successfully undertaken numerous key projects worldwide, showcasing its technological advantages and accumulating extensive experience, Anwar Ibrahim noted.

The prime minister hoped for an even stronger and more extensive collaboration with Energy China in Malaysia's economic and social progress, with a particular focus on low-carbon energy transformation, green hydrogen, green transportation, grid planning, and cross-border interconnectivity, thereby assisting Malaysia in achieving its energy transition goals.

Song Hailiang expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for receiving him and his delegation.

Energy China is a leading force in Chinese companies going global, he noted, adding that the company is accelerating its four major transformations towards innovation-driven, green and low-carbon, digital, as well as shared and integrated development, building platforms for new energy, new infrastructure and new industry in a systematic manner, and pursuing managing internationalization, personnel localization, and resource allocation globalization, to deeply engage into the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, Song Hailiang said.

Energy China is willing to fully leverage its strengths and actively participate in various sectors of Malaysia's energy structure transformation, including green transportation systems, the hydrogen energy industry, smart grids, and power interconnection, so as to help Malaysia become a power supply hub that radiates throughout Southeast Asia, he added.

During his stay in Malaysia, Song Hailiang also paid a visit to Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah Yusofl, and met with Minister of Transport Anthony Loke. He also joined a series of business activities in Malaysia.

Chan Ming Kai, Political Secretary to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, and heads of relevant departments from the two sides were present at the above activities.
