Austria earmarks €35 million for battery rebates

PV Magazine   2024-04-11 21:35:44

The Austrian authorities are granting a rebate of €200 ($214)/kWh to residential and commercial storage systems.

The Climate and Energy Fund in Austria has started the “Stromspeicheranlagen” program, a €35 million ($37.6 million) rebate scheme to support installations of residential and commercial storage systems.

The Climate and Energy Fund said that the projects, featuring only battery storage systems, do not qualify for the sales tax exemption for small PV systems in Austria or receive support under the Renewable Energy Expansion Act (EAG).

Only one electricity storage facility is eligible for funding per location. The fund will support new construction or expansion up to a usable storage capacity of 50 kWh. The minimum size is 4 kWh.

The flat rate subsidy is €200/kWh of usable storage capacity. The electricity storage systems can also be built larger than 50 kWh, but there is no longer any subsidy beyond the limit. The Climate and Energy Fund website also shows how much funding is still available for the program.

A prerequisite for the funding is that the battery storage systems are used for the temporary storage of electricity from an existing renewable system. The storage units must be installed professionally and in accordance with standards.

In addition, the systems must remain in operation for at least 10 years, according to the Climate and Energy Fund. Applications can be submitted for all systems delivered or constructed since Jan. 1, 2024. In general, there are 24 months for implementation and application.
