OHLA is awarded a 95.7 million euro contract for a section of Line 3 of the Seville metro system

OHLA   2024-04-18 13:55:26

OHLA has been awarded a contract worth 95.7 million euros (VAT included) for the construction of Subsection 1 of the northern section of Line 3 of the Seville Metro. The company leads the JV that will carry out the initiative, which covers almost a quarter of the route of the northern section of Line 3 of the metro between Pino Montano and Prado de San Sebastián -1.7 of 7.4 kilometers-, plus the execution of 699 meters to complete the technical branch that will connect the line with workshops and depots.

The branch section includes a 138-meter viaduct to cross the Tamarguillo stream and the Ronda Súpernorte (SE-20). Then, 1.7 kilometers of line will be built through the Pino Montano neighborhood to Ronda Urbana Norte, including three stations. Except for the first 300 meters above ground, the rest of the line will be underground.

The project, awarded by the Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda of the Junta de Andalucía, also involves the construction of three stations and the construction of 699 meters more that will complete the technical branch, currently under construction, which will connect the Metro with the workshops and depots.

The initiative led by OHLA is part of the northern section, with a length of more than 7.5 km, 12 stations and an expected travel time of 18 minutes, and whose route will pass through the San Lázaro hospital, the Macarena health center, the Red Cross Victoria Eugenia health center and the María Auxiliadora specialties center. This section starts in the northern part of the city and ends in the Prado de San Sebastián-Huerta de la Salud area, at the beginning of Avenida de la Borbolla. An estimated 13.3 million users per year are expected.

Excellence in metro infrastructure

OHLA has extensive experience in the construction of metro infrastructure, both in Spain and in other reference markets. In Spain, it has built several sections of the Madrid and Barcelona subways, while in the United States it is one of the main contractors for the New York City Subway. In Latin America, it has carried out work on Lines 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the Santiago de Chile metro and, in Panama, the extension of 2.2 km of Line 1 between Panama and Villa Zaita.
