DEWA launches the second edition of its technical infrastructure manual

DEWA   2024-04-23 18:45:32

In line with its efforts to stimulate businesspractices, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) launched thesecond edition of its Infrastructure NOC (No-Objection Certificate)Technical Manual, to be a reference for contractors, consultants, anddevelopers accredited by DEWA. This is part of DEWA’s efforts to promotebusiness in the Emirate. This Manual helps facilitate and acceleratethe acquisition of electricity and water services according to the bestinternational standards and practices regarding reliability, quality,and efficiency.

In this edition of the Manual, DEWA has added 17 new project types,bringing the total number to 67 projects. It also includes theparticular standards for water assets and an update of the technicalspecifications and protection details for new electricity assets.

“Due to the increasing number of infrastructure projects in Dubai andthe increasing demand for electricity and water services, we arecommitted to keeping pace with the Emirate’s economic prosperity and theincrease in population, and to support Dubai Economic Agenda D33, whichaims to double the size of Dubai’s economy over the next decade and toconsolidate its position among the top three global cities. DEWAprovides all the necessary capabilities and digital services that helpconsultants and contractors carry out their work and conduct theirtransactions smoothly and easily, to enhance Dubai’s competitiveness infacilitating business, to transform Dubai into the smartest and happiestcity in the world, and enhance the happiness of all stakeholders. Weare committed to providing the tools, requirements and instructions thatenable stakeholders to work within the best conditions and with theleast possible effort and time. We are committed to providing amotivational environment to build and consolidate strong, long-termrelations with our partners. This ensures the prosperity of ourbusiness. This also strengthens DEWA’s position, which has become amongthe most distinguished entities in the world,” said HE Saeed Mohammed AlTayer, MD and CEO of DEWA.
