SABIC Agri-Nutrients announces the Development on Blue (low carbon) Ammonia project

Saudi Gulf Projects   2024-07-04 14:44:33

SABIC Agri-Nutrients Company, Saudi Arabia announced in a statement that, the company received approval from the Ministry of Energy for allocating the required quantities of feedstock to build SABIC Agri-Nutrients plant the (6th) in Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia.

Once the plant constructed it will produce 1.2 MMTA of Blue (low carbon) Ammonia and to produce 1.1 MMTA of Urea and specialized Agri-Nutrients.

The company stated that, it will do the engineering studies to evaluate the leading technologies and will select the most efficient in energy and feedstock utilization.

In this regard, SABIC Agri-Nutrients Company express its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Ministry of Energy for their efforts to achieve the kingdom ambitions in leading the clean energy production and exporting worldwide through their support for the local companies in the sector which contribute directly in achieving the kingdom 2030 vision.
