UK:Winners named for £30bn government construction framework

TheConstructionIndex   2022-03-25 10:36:14

More than 30 contractors have won a place on a new public works framework that could be worth as much as £30bn to them over its four-year term.

The new Construction Works and Associated Services 2 / ProCure23 framework has been put together by the Crown Commercial Service with NHS England and NHS Improvement.

ProCure23 (or P23) is the fourth generation of the ProCure route to market for the provision of design and construction services to NHS capital projects.

The new framework is arranged into five lots of varying levels of complexity and value of work. Lots 1-3 are specifically for healthcare projects in England and valued at £9bn; Lots 4 and 5 are available to all public sector bodies in the UK, running alongside CCS’s existing Construction Works and Associated Services (CWAS) agreement.

CWAS 2 / P23 has a top value of £30bn, although no spend is guaranteed and this is just an illustrative figure, CCS said.

Simon Corben, director of estates and facilities at NHS England and NHS Improvement, explained: “ProCure23 builds on almost two decades of success of ProCure as a route to market for NHS capital projects. The framework has been split into three lots to enable greater reach into all aspects of the NHS's capital requirements, such as increasing our estate’s capacity through new builds, addressing backlog maintenance, or reconfiguring spaces to better meet the health and care needs of our local communities.”

John Welch, deputy director for construction in the Crown Commercial Service, added: “The principles of this agreement continue on the same path as our existing ‘gold standard’ approach, increasing supply chain collaboration, boosting innovation, supporting the government’s carbon net zero target, and focusing even more strongly on building safety.”
