Ethiopia Medium Voltage Distribution Network Project by CEEC-SEPCC Conducted Handover Procedures For The On-site Distribution Lines

Source: 山西电建   2024-09-09 12:01:30

Recently,the Ethiopia Medium Voltage Distribution Network Project, which is under EPC general contracting by CEEC-SEPCC, conducted handover procedures for the on-site distribution lines with EEU and design units. The current handover area is Addis Ababa Mekanisa, with a total length of 7.94 kilometers.


The Ethiopia Medium Voltage Distribution Network Project is the first project for SEPCC in Ethiopia, and also the first large-scale medium voltage distribution network project that CEECin Ethiopia. To ensure the timely completion of the project milestones, CEEC-SEPCC Ethiopian Power Distribution Project Companyovercame difficulties such as long lines and tight schedules, planned ahead, implemented targeted measures, pushed forward with pressure, and implemented hard, fully promoting the rapid start and construction of the project, and creating conditions for the project to be completed on schedule.

Next, CEEC-SEPCC Ethiopian Power Distribution Project Companywill actively organize and coordinate all participating parties to accelerate the handover and design procedures, create better conditions for equipment procurement and construction, and strive for timely and efficient project performance.
