Senegal to Guinea-Bissau highway link going ahead

worldhighways   2022-11-30 21:45:04

The necessary finance package for a key stretch of the Senegal to Guinea-Bissau highway link has now been secured, so the project can go ahead. Work will start for the first section of the route, which will link Tanaff in Senegal with Farim in Guinea-Bissau.

The finance package is worth US$100.7 million and is being provided by the African Development Bank (AfDB). The project involves building 26.4km of the asphalt surfaced route in Senegal and 23km in Guinea-Bissau. There will also be 58.6km of link roads built in Senegal and 24km of connecting roads in Guinea-Bissau. In addition, a 325m bridge will be constructed to span the Cacheu River at Farim in Guinea-Bissau.

Improving the road link between the two countries will help provide economic growth for both nations. This will boost trade for the countries as well as the surrounding nations and the Gambia in particular.
