UK:Trailing suction hopper dredger Sospan Dau ready for Harwich job

   2022-02-11 10:26:49

Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) has just announced that the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Sospan Dau will begin maintenance dredging in the harbour on February 13.

According to HHA, the TSHD will work in the area for a period of approximately seven days.

Dredged material will be disposed of to the beneficial sites in the River Stour and River Orwell.

Also, on February 14 and for a period of about 7 days, the grab dredger Aase Madsen will carry out trial boulder grab dredging operations in the main channel.

The vessel is set to dredge previously identified surface boulders for disposal at sea and will be operating 12 hours (daytime) per day.

HHA photo

The dredging contractor for this scheme is the Van Oord/Boskalis Westminster Joint Venture, appointed by HHA to carry out the Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project.

The vessel will position using its own propulsion at the site of the surface boulders and will use its grab crane to pick them up and place them in its hopper. Once the hopper is full, the vessel will proceed to the Inner Gabbard East disposal site where it will unload the boulders.

HHA photo

The dredging is covered by the MMO licence held by Harwich Haven Authority.
