Turkey introduces duties on PV module imports from 5 countries

PV Magazine   2024-03-26 09:56:55

The Ministry of Trade said last week that it has come up with new provisionsfor imports of solar panels from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Croatia, and Jordan.

The government has decided that solar modules imported from these countries will be applied a tariff of $25/m2.

Last year, the Turkish authorities had applied a tariff of $20/m2 to all panels imported from China.

According to Turkish media outlet Hurriyet, the measure is part of an anti-dumping investigation the Turkish government is conducting on solar panel imports from Asia. If the investigation determines that no anti-dumping practices have been implemented in the countries under scrutiny, the tariffs paid by the manufacturer will be returned.

Turkish association Günder welcomed to government's decision to “protect the national solar module industry.”

Turkey introduced its first restrictions for solar module imports in April 2020.

The Turkish PV cell and module industry has more than 60 manufacturers.
