OHLA expands its portfolio in the Chilean mining sector with a new €29 million contract

ohla   2024-02-02 20:21:03

OHLA has been awarded a new €29 million mining project in Chile for Minera Los Pelambres, owned by Antofagasta Minerals (AMSA). The project is located in the IV Region of Coquimbo, 290 km north of Santiago de Chile.

Specifically, the Company will work with a consortium to construct an emergency evacuation system on sloping terrain to control flooding of the El Mauro tailings dam during episodes of extreme precipitation.The water will be collected by an operational spillway or discharge tower and then conveyed to the evacuation tunnel.

Outstanding track record in mining

OHLA has a relevant track record in the mining sector in Chile. OHLA recently signed the contract for the raising of dikes and berms that make up the tailings dam for the Spence tailings deposit in the Antofagasta Region, in the Atacama Desert.

This initiative joins others developed by OHLA in the country’s mining sector, such as the development of a copper treatment plant and the maintenance of the roasting complex, both for the Ministro Hales Division; the expansion project of Tranque Talabre, a tailings dam located in Calama; or the work achieved in the world’s largest subway copper deposit, the El Teniente mine. The company has also carried out crushing and transport of rhyolite at the Minera Escondida plant, near Antofagasta, as well as important hydraulic works such as the Chacrillas reservoir in San Felipe.
