泰国曼谷安努垃圾发电厂计划于 2026 年投入使用

国际电力环保   2025-02-12 14:43:56


The On Nut waste-to-energy power plant is expected to be completed by the end of 2026.

安努(On Nut )垃圾发电厂预计将于 2026 年底竣工。

Jakkapan Phiewngam, deputy governor of Bangkok, yesterday inspected the site in Prawet district.

曼谷副市长 Jakkapan Phiewngam 昨天(2025年1月26日)视察了位于 Prawet 区的工地。

The On Nut Waste Disposal Centre covers an area of 30 rai and is being built by New Sky Energy (Thailand) with an investment of 4.89 billion baht. It's an ambitious project but will be able to deal with large amounts of the city's daily waste output and turn it into power.

安努(On Nut )垃圾处理中心占地 30 莱(约45亩),由泰国 New Sky Energy公司投资 48.9 亿泰铢(约10.48亿人民币)建造。这是一个费力的项目,但能够处理该市每天产生的大量垃圾并将其转化为电能。

He said work on the plant began on Feb 19 last year and will require about 1,000 days to complete, with a Nov 14, 2026, target in mind.

他说:“ 该工厂的建设于2024年 2 月 19 日开始,大约需要 1,000 天才能完工,目标是在 2026 年 11 月 14 日完工。”

When the plant opens, it will be able to burn up to 1,000 tonnes of waste per day, or about 10% of Bangkok's daily total of 10,000 tonnes.

该工厂投入运营后,每天可焚烧多达 1,000 吨垃圾,约占曼谷每日 10,000 吨垃圾总量的 10%。

The plant is expected to generate 35MW of electricity per month.


After the solid waste is taken to On Nut, it will be held in covered areas for 3–5 days to reduce humidity by 35% before being burned.

固体废弃物运至安努(On Nut )后,将被存放在有遮盖的区域 3 至 5 天,以将湿度降低 35%,然后再焚烧。

The plant will use combustion waste management technology at high temperatures of about 1,000C.

该工厂将采用约1000°C 高温的燃烧废弃物处理技术。

When garbage is burned, it produces heat, which turns water into steam.


Steam is used to generate power, while the residual ash (about 15–20% of the original weight) is collected for landfill or other uses, he said.

他说:“ 蒸汽用于发电,而残灰(约占原重量的15-20%)则被收集起来填埋或其他用途。”

A computer system will operate the plant automatically, along with air pollution treatment equipment, to guarantee that air discharges meet safety standards.


He said the plant will also mitigate unpleasant odours, which are a concern at garbage disposal sites near communities, as well as the issue of limited landfill space.

他说:“ 该工厂还将缓解令人不快的气味,这是社区附近垃圾处理场令人担忧的问题,以及垃圾填埋场空间有限的问题。”

The project is 28% complete, with concrete floors, waste pits, foundation work, machinery installation, transmission lines and the power system already in place, he said.

他说:“ 该项目已完成28%,混凝土地板、废弃物坑、基础工程、机械安装、输电线路和电力系统均已到位。”

The BMA has also told the contractor to strictly follow safety procedures and comply with measures to prevent the PM2.5 dust problem, he said.

他说,曼谷市政局还要求承包商严格遵守安全程序并采取措施防止 PM2.5 粉尘问题。
