
江西省对外投资合作企业协会   2024-07-29 15:05:02



根据赞比亚2020 年第 10 号《国家建筑委员会法案》(National Council For Construction Act No 10 Of 2020)国家建筑委员会 (National Council for Construction,NCC) 是负责促进、发展、培训和监管赞比亚建筑业的法定机构。

根据赞比亚《国家建筑委员会法案(National Council For Construction Act)》,未经注册为承包商,任何人不得在建筑行业开展业务,违反该规定即属犯罪,一经定罪,可处以不超过五十万罚款单位的罚款或不超过五年的监禁,或两者并处。

National Council For Construction Act

10. (1) A person shall not carry on business in the construction industry, without registering as a contractor under this Act.

(2) A person shall not be considered to be carrying on business within the meaning of this Part by reason only of the performance of that person’s functions as an employee.

(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both.

赞比亚不允许外国自然人在赞比亚承揽工程承包项目。赞比亚要求外国承包商在当地注册公司,对建筑承包企业分六类资质进行管理。目前,赞比亚对外国承包商在当地开展承包工程业务没有限制,根据 2011 年《公民经济赋权(优先采购)条例》(《Citizen Economic Empowerment (Preferential Procurement) Regulations of 2011 》),赞比亚公路发展局(Road Development Agency ,RDA) 要求所有超过 3000 万赞比亚克瓦查(约为 9096000元人民币)的合同至少有 20% 的合同金额分包给赞比亚公民拥有 50.1% 股份的公司。

The RDA in recognition of the Citizen Economic Empowerment (Preferential Procurement) Regulations of 2011 will require that all contracts falling above K30 million be subcontracted to a minimum of 20 percent of the contract sum to a Zambian citizen owned company where 50.1 percent shares are owned by Zambian citizens.








根据赞比亚《国家建筑委员会法案(National Council For Construction Act)》第12条,如果申请人 (a) 具有必要的能力、经验、资源、设备和设施,以从事所申请类别的建筑工程;(b) 具有签订建筑工程合同的法律行为能力;(c) 没有资不抵债、被接管、破产或正在清盘,并且不是与资不抵债、被接管或破产有关的法律诉讼的主体;(d) 持有赞比亚资格管理局认可的培训机构颁发的建筑资格证书;(e) 在提出申请之前的一段时期内,没有被判定犯有以下罪行:(i) 腐败或欺诈行为;或 (ii) 任何其他会使承包商丧失参与建筑工程采购资格的罪行;以及 (f) 符合可能规定的其他要求,NCC向申请人颁发注册证书。审核通过之后,企业即可在赞比亚承揽工程项目。

12. (1) The Council shall, within fourteen days of the approval of an application under section 11, issue the applicant with a certificate of registration if the applicant—

(a) has the necessary capability, experience, resources, equipment and facilities to undertake construction works in the category being applied for; (b) has legal capacity to enter into a contract forconstruction works; (c) is not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or in the process ofbeing wound up and is not the subject of legal proceedingsrelating to insolvency, receivership or bankruptcy; (d) holds a construction qualification from a training institution recognised by the Zambia Qualifications Authority; (e) has not, during a period preceding the application, been convicted of—(i) corrupt or fraudulent practices; or (ii) any other offence that would disqualify the contractor from participating in procurement of construction works; and (f) meetsother requirements that may be prescribed.

该注册证书有效期为一年,从每年的1月1日至12月31日。在遵守《建筑法》的前提下,NCC可根据规定的条款和条件,向希望承接建筑工程的外国承包商颁发临时注册证书,期限不超过 6 个月。[ 赞比亚《建筑法》第13条14条。]注册承包商可在证书有效期届满前3个月,以规定的方式及格式向委员会申请证书续期,并缴纳相应费用。委员会须在收到申请后30天内,批准或拒绝该申请,并在拒绝注册证书续期申请时说明理由。注册证书持有人如按照第(1)款提交注册证书续期申请,应继续经营有关业务或活动,直至委员会就该申请作出决定为止。任何人如在规定的时间之后申请注册证明书续期,可被处以所规定的逾期注册罚金。

National Council For Construction Act

12.(4) Subject to this Act, a certificate of registration granted under subsection (1) is valid for one year from 1st January to 31st December in each year.

13.Subject to this Act, the Council may grant a temporary certificate of registration on prescribed terms and conditions, to a foreign contractor who wishes to undertake construction works for a period not exceeding six months

15. (1) A registered contractor may, three months before the expiration of the period of validity of the certificate, apply to the Council for renewal of a certificate of registration in the prescribed manner and form on payment of a prescribed fee.

(2) The Councilshall, within thirty days of receiving an application for the renewal of a certificate of registration, approve or reject the application and give reasons where it rejects the application for renewal of the certificate.

(3) A holder of a certificate of registration who submits an application for the renewal of a certificate of registration in accordance with subsection (1), shall continue to operate the business or activity until a decision is made by the Council on the application.

(4) A person who applies for a renewal of a certificate of registration later than the time stipulated in subsection (1) may be liable to pay a penalty for late registration as may be prescribed.


外国承包商 是指:(a) 就个人而言,非公民承包商;或 (b) 就商号、公司或法人或非法人团体而言,非公民全资拥有的承包商;

“foreign contractor ”means—(a) in the case of an individual, a contractor who is a non-citizen; or (b) in the case of a firm, company or a corporate or unincorporate body of persons, a contractor wholly owned by a non-citizen;

