Serbia sets maximum solar price of €72/MWh for second renewables auction

PV Magazine   2024-11-24 16:27:03

The Serbian government has set the regulatory framework for the country’s second renewables auction.

The auction plans to procure 124.8 MW of solar plants with an approved capacity of 500 kW and above, along with 300 MW of wind power plants with an approved capacity of 3 MW and above.

A maximum price of €72/MWh for solar projects and €79/MWh for wind projects has been set.

These figures are down from the ceiling prices of €90/MWh for solar and €105/MWh for wind available in the country’s first renewables auction.

According to details available on the the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia’s (OIE Srbija) website, the second auction will launch officially later this month,

Serbia’s first auction ran in 2023, procuring 50 MW of solar and 400 MW of wind power. The lowest solar bid, announced in August 2023, was €0.08865/kWh.

Serbia has announced development of several large-scale solar projects this year, including a deal for 1 GW of solar across six sites and a 1 GW solar panel factory. Work is also underway on state utility Elektroprivreda Srbije’s first solar project.

Figures from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) show that Serbia had cumulatively deployed 137 MW of solar by the end of 2023.
